Hello, I am Gwen Van Asselt. I facilitate our LACES classes and also support project approach implementation at AFIA. In both roles, I have the pleasure of watching our students ask thoughtful questions, think broadly about possible answers, and work together toward solutions to problems. I hope you enjoy learning about the work our students are doing at AFIA.

What is LACES?
LACES is anchored in critical literacy: the ability to analyze, evaluate, and act on information, as a critical member of society.
LACES is an enrichment class and gives students opportunities to practice responding to literature through discussion, writing, doing, and making. Often times, students use recycled materials to create an artistic response to a high quality shared text.  We explore significant events and the lives of people who work to improve the world around us.
Enjoy some examples below.

By Karen Lynn Williams
Illustrated by Catherine Stock
Student Focus: Like the main character, I can use recycled materials to create.

In Her Hands
The Story of Sculptor Augusta Savage
By Alan Schroeder
Illustrated by JaeMe Bereal
Student Focus: I can listen to find out what the author means by “sculpt what you know.” I can draw or write about something I know well.

The Best Beekeeper of Lalibela
A Tale from Africa
By Cristina Kessler
Illustrated by Leonard Jenkins
Student Focus: I can build a hive to keep a honeycomb safe, like the main character.

Wangari’s Trees of Peace: A True Story from Africa
By Jeanette Winter

Student Focus: I can explain how trees brought peace to Kenya and can create a symbol of peace to share with my peers.

Ada Lovelace: Poet of Science
The First Computer Programmer
By Diane Stanley
Illustrated by Jessie Hartland

Student Focus: I can use punch cards and cloth (Ada Lovelace’s inspiration) to share my learning about Ada Lovelace.