Each year our sixth graders look forward to the annual overnight camping trip to Camp Wildwood. Pictured: current sixth graders are ready to embark on a canoe trip.


  • Thank you to everyone who donated food and attended our Picnic on the Playground, or volunteered at the event.  It was great to see everyone and enjoy a beautiful fall evening together.
  • Next week all kindergarten and first grade students will participate in a universal speech screening with Ms. Naomi, AFIA’s Speech Pathologist.  This universal screenings allow us to identify students who may benefit from speech and language intervention.  Parents will receive screening results at Fall Conferences.
  • Speaking of conferences. . . our family conferences are the week of October 14-18.  Please note that there is no school on Thursday, October 17 and Friday, October 18 due to conferences.  More information will be shared as we get closer to conference dates.  Currently students are completing beginning of the year assessments to inform learning goals and your child’s teacher looks forward to collaborating with your family during conferences.
  • We appreciate your patience as we work through some bus challenges.  We are making some changes to the routes, effective Monday, in order to improve service.  Please look for the new routes and times in your child’s backpack.  If you have not received this information by Friday afternoon, please contact your child’s teacher through Seesaw.

Upcoming Events:

  • Week of October 14-18, 2019: Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Thursday, October 17 – 18: No School (Fall Conferences)