Important End-of-the-Year Dates and Details

And they’re off. . .our sixth graders leave tonight for their annual camping trip to Camp Wildwood. We cannot wait to hear about your outdoor adventures!

Today is the deadline to confirm your child’s enrollment for the 2018-2019 school year.  We will open up spots on our waiting list after today. Please call Ms. Phoebe first thing tomorrow (Thursday) morning if you had any difficulty completing the enrollment through SchoolMint.

Friday, May 25: Grandparent’s/Special Visitor’s Breakfast (8:30-9:30AM)
Grandparents and/or Special Visitors are invited to join their scholar for breakfast.  Tomorrow is the last day to RSVP.  You may RSVP online or by calling (816) 444-1720.

Monday, May 28: NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day)

Spirit Week:  Tuesday, May 29-Friday, June 1

  • Teamwork Tuesday: Each classroom will choose a theme or color to wear as they participate in Track and Field Day! Look for more information from your child’s classroom teacher.
  • Wacky Wednesday: Dress as wild and wacky as possible.
  • Throwback Thursday: Wear styles from your favorite decade of the past.
  • Fun-Filled Friday: Dress in clothing that represents summer (for example: Hawaiian shirt or bright colors) and have a great break!

Tuesday, May 29: Track and Field Day (8AM-3PM) 

Dress for outdoor fun and games.  Please put sunscreen on your child before school.  If you are interested in volunteering, please notify the front office at (816) 444-1720.

Wednesday, May 30: Parent Committee Meeting (6-7PM) 

We have exciting updates on the PLAYGROUND PLAN and would love community feedback on some potential designs! Please join us in the library from 6-7PM.  Childcare is provided.

Thursday, May 31: Kindergarten Graduation (2PM)

Thursday, May 31: Yearbook forms have been sent home with your child.  It’s not too late to purchase a 2017-2018 yearbook for $8.00.

Thursday, May 31: Celebration of Learning (6-7:30 PM)

Join us for dinner (6:00-6:45pm), followed by classroom performances to showcase and celebrate learning!

Friday, June 1: Sixth Grade Graduation and Last Day of School (2PM Dismissal) 

Sixth Grade Graduation is 12:30-1:30PM, followed immediately by the Sixth Grade Sendoff.