
  • Classrooms are working hard to prepare for Student Led Conferences next week.  You will receive confirmation of your conference time by this Friday.
  • We will celebrate kindness, our Guiding Value for February, next week with a Spirit Week and class parties on Thursday, February 15, from 2:00-3:15PM.
    • If your child would like to bring valentines or kindness cards to share, he or she should bring enough for every student in the class.  Students do not need to address cards, they can simply sign their name.  (This simplifies distribution.)  If you have concerns about being able to purchase valentines for your child, please let his/her teacher know.  Students are making containers in Art this week, so it is not necessary to decorate a box at home.
    • If you would like to volunteer or send donations for class parties, please email or call your child’s teacher by the end of the week.
    • Spirit Week details for next week:
      • Monday, February 12: Make Kindness a Pattern (wear plaid, stripes or both)
      • Tuesday, February 13: Mix it up with Kindness (wear mix/match clothes)
      • Wednesday, February 14: Be Kind to Yourself (dress to impress)
      • Thursday, February 15: Wild about Kindness (wear bright colors or animal print)
  • Please let your friends and family know that we are enrolling new students now via  As we near the enrollment deadline (March 2 for new students), we are hosting several Open Houses.  Please invite your friends and family to learn more about AFIA and meet our incredible staff at these events.  Dates and times are below and you can also find more  information on the AFIA Facebook page.

Upcoming Events:

  • Thursday, February 8: PK/K Field Trip to the Nelson
  • Thursday, February 15: Class Parties (2-3:15PM)
  • Thursday, February 15: AFIA Open House (4-7PM)
  • Friday, February 16: Student Led Conferences (NO SCHOOL)
  • Monday, February 19: President’s Day (NO SCHOOL)
  • Saturday, February 24: AFIA Open House (10AM-1PM)