We’ve sure missed everyone and hope you’ve stayed warm this week. To welcome everyone back to school tomorrow, we’re having a surprise Spirit Day . . . Pajama Day! Students may wear their favorite pajamas to school tomorrow, Friday, February 23. We cannot wait to see everyone!


  • We have several exciting events happening at AFIA on Saturday:
    • JAM at BAM is an opportunity for Base Academy of Music (BAM) students to be creative and use the skills they are learning in their lessons in a group context. It is also an opportunity for musicians around the community to play along side BAM students to encourage and inspire them.  JAM at BAM is this Saturday, February 24, 2018, from 10AM-1PM.
    • Enrollment Open House: AFIA friends and family have just one week left to enroll for the 2018-2019 school year.  Enrollment for new students closes on March 2. On Saturday we will host an Enrollment Open House (10AM-1PM) for prospective families to learn more about our approach and meet teachers and administrators.  Please help us spread the word by sharing our Facebook invitation with your friends and family.
  • Playground Update: Our playground committee is working hard to develop an outdoor play space for our scholars.  On March 15th, Pizzeria Locale (on 75th St in Waldo) is sponsoring an AFIA fundraising night from 4-9PM.  AFIA receives 50% of the proceeds on this night!  Even if your family can’t make it, please help us advertise by sharing our flyer on social media.  

Here’s a sneak peek of AFIA third graders working with KCYA Resident Artist, Ms. Katie, to prepare for their performance on March 2, 2018.

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, February 24: Enrollment Open House and JAM at BAM (10AM-1PM)
Friday, March 2: Third Grade Performance with Resident Artist, Ms. Katie, from KCYA (9AM)
Monday, March 5, 2018: Marching Into the World of the Performing Arts (6-7PM)
Paseo Academy of Fine and Performing Arts is hosting this special event for AFIA families, especially parents of sixth graders looking for a middle school for the 2018-2019 school year. For details, please request a flier from the front office.
Friday, March 9: NO SCHOOL (Professional Development Day for staff)                                                                                  Thursday, March 15: Pizzeria Locale Fundraiser Night for AFIA (4-9PM)