Sculpture by local artist Jake Balcom. He will visit AFIA to speak with students about his art and the process he uses to create sculptures. Mr. Balcom will facilitate a collaborative art project with all AFIA students.


  • First semester ended on November 30, 2018. As you saw at Celebration of Learning, our students are passionate about learning and making incredible growth as scholars and community members. We greatly appreciate your partnership and look forward to a strong second half of the school year. First semester report cards will be sent home with your student on December 20.
  • 2019-2020 Enrollment Update: NEW student enrollment is now open. Please note that current students will enroll in February so you do not need to take any action at this time, but please share this information with your friends and family. Additional details are included in the letter Ms. Phoebe sent home earlier this week.  You can go to for more information. You can also contact Ms. Phoebe with any specific enrollment questions.
  • Picture Day is rescheduled for this Friday, December 7. Students will take individual pictures and also class pictures. Order forms were sent home for class pictures. (Please contact the front office if you did not receive a class picture order form.) Individual photo proofs will be sent home at a later date and individual pictures can be ordered after viewing the proofs.
  • Save-the-Date: Winter Parties will be held on Friday, December 21, at 2PM.  Look for more information soon in your child’s classroom newsletter.

Upcoming Events:
Thursday, December 6: Third Grade Field Trip to Kauffman Center for Performing Arts to see The Nutcracker (9:30AM)
Friday, December 7: Artist Jake Balcom will visit AFIA to speak with students about his art and the process he uses to create sculptures. Mr. Balcom will facilitate a collaborative art project with all AFIA students. Thanks  to the Marlborough Community Coalition and the Conservation Fund for making this project possible.                                                                                     Friday, December 14: BAM Recital for AFIA students at Harambee (9:00AM)
Saturday, December 15: BAM Recital at AFIA. All are welcome to attend. Performances are at 10:00AM and 1:00PM.