  • Have you seen our students on the news? This week KSHB 41 and Fox 4 news visited to highlight Superhero Yoga, one of our amazing community partners. Our students made us proud. You can check it out here:
  • New bus times are being sent home in your child’s backpack tomorrow for everyone. These times will go into effect this Friday, October 5th.
  • Picnic on the Playground and Ribbon Cutting
    • Please join us to celebrate our new playground on Thursday, October 18th from 6 – 7:30. We are seeking parent volunteers for the event. Please sign up here:
Upcoming Events:
  • Friday, October 12th: Pianist Nathan Lee (17) to perform at AFIA
  • Thursday, October 18th from 6 – 7:30: Picnic on the Playground and Ribbon Cutting
  • Week of October 15th: Family Teacher Conferences – Watch your child’s backpack for a sign-up sheet.
  • Friday, October 19th: No School for Family Teacher Conferences
  • Tuesday, October 30th: Field Trip to the Carlsen Center for a play: Tomas and the Library Lady (1st and 2nd grade)
  • Wednesday, October 31st, 12:30 – 2: Fall Parties Contact your child’s teacher if you are interested in volunteering or donating party supplies. More information will be sent by classroom teacher.