August 18, 2019

Dear Families, 

Due to an increased number of car riders and additional buses, we are making several changes to our dismissal routine. We know that it takes everyone working together to ensure that we end the day in a safe and organized way. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we work to improve transportation efficiency. We truly appreciate your partnership as we work to improve our dismissal procedure.

Effective tomorrow, we will begin to load car riders at 4:05PM (2:05PM on Wednesdays). Please note that we are relocating buses so we can load car riders directly in front of the school. The star on the map below designates the new loading spot. We ask that you stay in your car and an AFIA staff member will walk your child to your car.  If you do come inside, please expect to wait until 4:15PM as all staff members have designated responsibilities to ensure that students arrive safely to their afternoon destination, thus we are unable to accommodate individual requests until dismissal is over.  

Please also note that if you need to make a change to your child’s regular transportation plan, you must contact the front office by 3PM (1PM on Wednesdays).  We are unable to accept changes after this time.     

We are also adjusting our official start time to 9AM. Please note that students can be dropped off beginning at 8:30AM. Breakfast is served between 8:30-8:40AM.  If your child is not eating breakfast at AFIA, they must be present in their classroom by 9AM.  If you arrive to school after 9AM, you must escort your student to the front office and sign them in.    

We look forward to another wonderful week together!

In partnership,

Mrs. Colbert