We’ve added some incredible educators to our growing team! This group of new and returning AFIA teachers posed for a quick picture during their Project Lead the Way training this summer. Pictured from left to right are Mr. Turner (3rd Grade), Ms. White (3rd Grade), Ms. Haley (6th Grade), Ms. Dayonne (1st Grade) Ms. Erica (PK/K), and Ms. Gwen (LACES).

Greetings from 7910 Troost!  We hope your family is having an enjoyable and safe summer break.  During the summer  many things happen behind the scenes to prepare for the 2019-2020 school year.  For instance, AFIA teachers spend the summer months engaged in professional learning in order to provide your child with an innovative, arts integrated education.

In order to get our year together off to a strong start, we’ve compiled important information and upcoming dates in this summer update.  Additional dates are included on the 2019-2020 School Calendar.

Upcoming Events 

July 18 (4-6PM): Loose Parts Family Play Date

Parents and children can visit multiple “play stations” and meet other AFIA families.  For those interested in learning more about loose parts play, a short presentation will be held at 4:15PM and again at 5:15PM.

August 8 (6-7:30PM): Back to School Night

Join us for Back to School Night at AFIA. You and your student will be able to meet their teacher, visit their classroom, drop off school supplies, and enjoy ice cream with the AFIA community.

A note about class lists: You will receive a call from your child’s teacher during the week of August 5, prior to Back to School Night.

August 12: First Day of School

As a reminder, bell times will slightly change for the upcoming school year.  Students may enter the building at 8:30AM and dismissal will be 4:10PM, except on Wednesdays when we dismiss at 2:10PM.

Extended Day Program 

Next year our extended day program will run from 7:15AM-6PM.  Additional details regarding Before and After Care will be sent directly to families who’ve indicated a need for extended day childcare.

School Supply Lists – Paper copies are available at school


First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade 

Fifth Grade

Sixth Grade


All AFIA students receive free breakfast and lunch through the USDA Community Eligibility Provision.  A copy of the school breakfast and lunch calendar will be sent home at the beginning of each month. Students may choose to eat breakfast before school and/or bring a lunch from home.  Breakfast is served from 8:30-8:50AM.


We are in the process of working with First Student to establish routes for the upcoming year.  If you have changed your address since enrollment, please call the school ASAP.  Please note that if you have not completed the transportation form or registration paperwork, your child’s bus may not be set up for the first week of school.


AFIA seeks to develop a sense of camaraderie and a unified presence within our community. To aid in our sense of community, all students must wear a school-approved uniform unless it is a designated dress-down day.

AFIA’s uniform policy is as follows:

  • Shirts/Tops: Solid color Polo-style shirt – collar & buttons; no prominent logos or designs
  • Pants/Bottoms: Khaki/Tan or Navy bottoms (shorts, pants, skirts, dresses, etc)
  • Shoes: Closed-toed loafers or athletic shoes

Student may not wear flip-flops, sandals, house shoes, heels, wheels, wedges or shoes that light up or make noise. Hats and accessories may not be worn in order to prevent distractions to the learning environment.

Summer Office Hours 

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions.  The front office is open from 9AM-3PM on weekdays during the summer break. If you need an appointment outside of those hours, please contact Ms. Phoebe at 816.444.1720.  We look forward to welcoming your family back to school very soon!

Thanks to everyone who joined us for the June Summer Lunch Bunch.  It was great to see you!