
  • As we welcome warmer weather, please remember to send warm jackets/coats and make sure your child wears long pants.  Some classes go outside for recess early in the day when it’s still chilly (mid-40s) and it is often windy out on the playground.
  • Spring Fling Family Dance: Please join us  on Friday, April 5.  Students must be in the company of a parent or guardian.  A light dinner will be provided. (6-7:30PM).
  • Calendar Change: Due to snow days, we will have school on Friday, April 19.  This was previously scheduled as a professional development day.  Our last day of school for the 2018-2019 school year is scheduled for Friday, May 31.
  • Our AFIA basketball teams have their first game this Saturday, March 30.  All are encourages to come and cheer on Coach Haley and our hard-working student athletes.  The Fourth-Sixth Grade Team game is at 3PM at
    11822 Holmes (St. Thomas More) and the Second-Third Grade Teams play at noon and 1PM, also at 11822 Holmes (St. Thomas More).

Upcoming Events:

  • Friday, March 29: PK/K Field Trip (Pete the Cat at the Folly Theater)
  • Spring Fling Family Dance: Friday, April 5