
  • We’re ready for winter to come to a quick end.  Please note that March 1, 2019, has been changed to a student attendance day.  Fingers crossed that next week is a full week of school!
  • Tomorrow night is our Art’s Integration Night from 5:30-7:30PM.  We hope your family will join us and ask that you RSVP on our Facebook page invitation so we have adequate snacks and materials.  Come and go as your schedule allows.  Short, formal presentations will be offered at 6PM, 6:30PM and 7PM for those interested in learning more about our arts-integrated approach to teaching and learning.
  • 2019-2020 Enrollment Update for Current Students: Please carefully review this letter that was recently sent home with students as enrollment for next year is now open for current students.  Your enrollment MUST be completed by March 8, 2019 (including supplying proof of residency) or we are required to open your child’s spot for a new student.  Please contact Ms. Phoebe at at 816-444-1720 or email if you have any questions.
  •  Thank you for your flexibility in re-scheduling conferences.  We know this time together is valuable and will work with your schedule to ensure that we collaborate with your family.  If you have not yet had your conference, please contact your child’s teacher as we are striving for 100% participation by March 1.
  • Parents of Current Fifth and Sixth Graders: Kansas City Friends of Alvin Ailey sponsors a free, five-week summer camp.  From their website: AileyCamp is a five-week summer day camp where students are introduced to dance and come to respect the discipline of dance as a physical activity which requires athletic ability comparable to skills demanded by any sport. Campers also increase their leadership skills and enjoy a variety of athletic and social activities. They learn that dance is challenging, fun, and helps them in other sports and in life!  This is an incredible opportunity for your child and the March 1 “priority consideration” deadline is quickly approaching.  You can apply on-line at or obtain a paper copy from the front office. AFIA students who’ve participated in this camp have had an excellent experience.

Upcoming Events:

  • Thursday, February 21: Arts Integration Family Night (5:30-7:30PM)
  • Thursday, February 28: Alvin Ailey Performance @ AFIA (all grades)
  • Friday, March 1: School Day (see calendar change above)
  • Friday, March 1: Enrollment Deadline for NEW STUDENTS only (this includes incoming siblings)
  • Friday, March 8: Enrollment Deadline for CURRENT STUDENTS (see details above)