We are starting something new on the AFIA blog to help you learn more about the team of dedicated individuals who make AFIA such a special community beginning with Asha Moore. Asha was recently featured on the Teach Kansas City website. Asha holds two degrees from the University of Missouri – Kansas City: a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education, Institute for Urban Education, 2009 and Masters of Arts in Educational Leadership, 2012. She is currently a KC Plus Resident and is working on her Educational Specialist degree at UMKC.

Asha, tell us a little bit about yourself!

What do you do at AFIA?

Dean of Students

What do you love about AFIA?

I love the irreplaceable, warm and inviting feeling you get every time you walk through the door. Every adult in the building wants what’s best for each child. AFIA is a community of educators who are more than just co-workers, but a family dedicated to seeing every child succeed.

What drew you to education?

My personal education experience, but also as a child I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. I was the kid who played school all the time.

What is the best part of your day?

When I get to have a personal one on one conversation with a student and I learn something new about them. I also enjoy in those conversations being able to instill a lifelong value to help them grow.

What is your favorite place in Kansas City?

Anywhere my family is!

What is your favorite book?

My favorite book at a child was Charlotte’s Web

What is a little known fact about you?

I model in fashion shows from time to time in Kansas City.