
  • Classes are putting the finishing touches on their Celebration of Learning performances.  Please plan to join us next Tuesday, November 20, for our Fall Celebration of Learning. We still need a few additional parent volunteers to make our event a success.  If you are interested in volunteering,  you may sign-up here.  The Celebration of Learning schedule is as follows:
    • 6:00-6:30PM Dinner served in the multi-purpose room/Classrooms open
    • 6:30PM  Students dropped off in classrooms/Families seated in Gymnasium
    • 6:40PM  Opening Act (Please plan to stay for the duration of the program.  Students will stay with their classroom teachers before and after their performance.  Families must be signed out from their classroom after the final performance.) 
  • Thank you to the families who’ve donated supplies for our school-wide Thanksgiving Food Drive.  This annual service project helps our scholars demonstrate gratitude and kindness.  Please send donations in by this Friday.
  • We will begin collecting Box Tops for Education in December.  This program provides an easy way for families to support AFIA by collecting Box Tops on many products.  We receive 10 cents for each boxtop.  Please group box tops into groups of twenty when you submit them to the front office.
  • Spirit Wear order forms are due by November 20.  (Please note the date on the order form is incorrect.)  You may send the order form with your scholar or bring money to the Celebration of Learning.
  • Picture Day order forms are being sent home this week.  Please check with your child’s teacher if you have not received an order form by this Friday.

Upcoming Dates:

  • November 15, 2018: Second Grade Field Trip (Nelson Atkins Museum of Art)
  • Tuesday, November 20, 2018: Celebration of Learning (6PM)
  • November 21, 22, 23: Fall Break (No School)
  • November 27, 2018: Picture Day