
  • Thank you for joining us at last week’s Playground Ribbon Cutting and Picnic.  We had a great turnout!  Earlier this week Fox 4 News stopped by to check out our new playground and do a live segment from AFIA.  Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people playing sports, tree, shoes, child, outdoor and nature
  • It was great to connect with families at conferences last week!  If you need to reschedule your conference, please contact your child’s teacher by the end of the week.  We are striving for 100% participation in our Fall Family Conferences and are grateful for your partnership.
  • Fall Parties will be next Wednesday, October 31, from 12:30-2PM. Please contact your child’s teacher if you are interested in volunteering or donating party supplies. Families may join the party at 12:30 PM, but during the day we cannot allow any deliveries (such candy or costumes) to the classroom in order to minimize disruptions to the instructional day.  Students will change into costumes before the party and must change back into regular clothing before dismissal.  Costumes should be school-appropriate and may not include weapons of any kind.  Please let your child’s teacher know if you would like to help plan the party, donate party supplies, or volunteer on the day of the party.
  • Strong and consistent attendance is essential to school success.  Thank you for your assistance in making sure students are here and ready to learn by 8:30AM.  In the event that your child arrives after 8:30AM, he or she must be signed in at the front office by a parent.
  • Our enrichment teachers will be sharing updates over the next few weeks. Here is an update from Ms. Gwen, our LACES teacher.

Upcoming Events: