We’ve had a strong start to our year!  Welcome to our first edition of the Wednesday Weekly. This school communication is sent via text blast each Wednesday evening to share important details and dates with our school community. I hope that you will also follow our Academy for Integrated Arts facebook page to stay in communication with us on social media.

A few friendly reminders as we start the year:

  • Please check your scholar’s backpack and review the letter and handbook acknowledgement form that was sent home today. Handbook acknowledgement forms should be sent back to school as soon as possible, but not later than Friday, August 17. The school handbook can be found here.
  • One of our goals this year is that all students have a strong and consistent attendance rate of 95% or higher. Students are considered absent for any time they miss between 8:30AM or if they leave before 3:30PM. Your child’s teacher has planned a full day of instruction, so it’s important that your child is here for every moment. We ask that you schedule appointments on Wednesdays, when possible, since we dismiss at 2:00PM. Friday is a dress-down day for all students who’ve had perfect attendance for the week. Students may dress down if they have been at school on-time every day and stay for the full day.
  • As your family settles into back-to-school bedtime routines, you might find this infographic helpful. A well-rested mind learns best!

  • Our transportation provider is First Student. Drivers are working this week to establish consistent pick up times. Thank you for your flexibility. You may contact First Student directly with bus related questions at (816) 254-5262.
  • If you need to make an emergency change to your child’s end of the day routine, please notify the front office at least 2 hours prior to dismissal.
  • If you pick up your student at the end of the day, please park in a single file line behind the busses so that the drive is not blocked. We ask that you stay in your vehicle and an AFIA staff person will escort your student directly to the vehicle. We have significantly more students being picked up at the end of the day, so this procedure is the most efficient way to get everyone home safely.
  • If your child brings a lunch from home, please be sure that it is a well-balanced, nutritious meal. Students should not bring large bags of Takis or other chips. Additionally students may not bring carbonated drinks. All students are able to receive a breakfast and lunch at no charge.
  • Children are welcome to bring a lunch from home if they would prefer. Please make sure that lunches are cold and do not require microwaving as we are unable to heat food for students.

Upcoming Events:

Friday, August 17: AFIA Spirit Wear orders due
Friday, August 31: NO SCHOOL (This day is a professional development day for our staff. You can access our school calendar on our webpage: www.afiakc.org.)