AFIA students enjoyed the Stone Lion Puppet Theater’s production of “Down the Drain.” We learned what our watershed is, its connection to the ecosystem and how we can make a difference.

-Please let your friends and families know that we are enrolling new students now via

-We are working on our school-wide wellness plan! This plan will be discussed briefly at tomorrow’s parent meeting. If you are interested in joining the wellness committee, please email Dr. DeGraff at

-Bi-weekly newsletters were sent home with students on Monday.

-AFIA will host another Girls on the Run team this spring. Information will be sent home with interested third-sixth graders by Friday.

-Conference sign-up sheets are coming home this week. We look forward to sharing your child’s progress and setting second semester goals together.

Upcoming Events:
-Thursday, February 1: Parent Advisory Committee Meeting (6-7PM)
-February 6: Field Trip to Nelson-Atkins (4th & 6th Grade)
-February 8: Field Trip to Nelson-Atkins (PK & Kindergarten)
-February 12-16, 2018: Winter Conferences (More details to follow)
-February 19: President’s Day (NO SCHOOL)