Field Experiences are an important component of AFIA’s Project Approach. On Tuesday, January 29, First Grade Scholars engaged in experiential learning at the Nelson Atkins Museum, while all other students attended “Meet Dr. King” at the Folly Theater. (pictured below)


-We hope our AFIA families are staying warm on this dangerously cold day.  We wish we were at school, but the safety and well-being of our scholars is always most important.  We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! If you are not receiving text notifications regarding school cancellations, please contact the front office as this means that we do not have your most recent contact information on file.

-Please mark your calendars for AFIA’s Arts Integration Open House on Thursday, February 7, from 5:30-7:30PM.  This event is for current families, as well as families who are interested in enrolling at AFIA for the 2019-2020 school year.  Families in attendance will learn more about AFIA’s approach to arts integration and engage in arts integrated activities with their children.  We hope that you will RSVP on our facebook page and share the invitation with your friends and family.

-Thank you to everyone who signed up for Big Smiles dental services.  Big Smiles will be at AFIA tomorrow, Thursday, January 31, and Friday, February 1, to see students enrolled in the program.

-Winter Conferences are just around the corner.  Conference sign-up sheets are being sent home with students this week.  Please return your sign-up sheet as soon as possible.

-February Breakfast and Lunch menus will be distributed this week.

-Please remember that every minute counts for student attendance.  Being tardy means that your child is missing out on Morning Meeting, a critical time for connection and community building with their classmates.  Students dropped off after 8:30AM must be escorted into the school and signed in by a parent/guardian.  We appreciate your support in meeting our attendance goal (90% of students attending school at least 90% of the time).  Most AFIA students have incredibly strong and consistent attendance; thank you for your commitment to academic excellence!

Second Graders pose for a quick candid photo prior to “Meet Dr. King” at the Folly Theater.

Upcoming Events:

Thursday, January 31-Friday, February 1: Big Smiles Dental Program @ AFIA

February 11-February 15: Winter Conferences

Thursday, February 14: Classroom Kindness Parties (2PM)

Friday, February 15: No School (Conferences)