A few weeks into 2018 I wanted to take time to share some highlights from 2017. In August, we finished Phase II of our construction project, which included the completion of our beautiful gym which also doubles as a performance space. We are grateful for the many supporters who have made it possible for us to complete both Phase I and II of our building project.
We are also grateful for our students and families. Over the past four school years, AFIA has nearly tripled in size and we have added pre-kindergarten. As we educate our 200+ students, we continue to integrate the arts to enliven instruction, increase student involvement, deepen memory and meaning to create a community of engaged, inquisitive learners. AFIA prioritizes a culture of inclusion and support. We empower students to take on a variety of opportunities and deepen their skills in how they approach challenges, how they learn, and how they express themselves.
The community at AFIA goes beyond our students, staff, and families; we have several partners that enrich us including:
- University of Missouri – Kansas City provides pre-service teachers with hands-on learning experience in our school. We host student teachers and other student interns in classrooms;
- KC Community Gardens helped us build and continue to maintain garden beds on our school grounds;
- Kansas City Young Audiences and the Coterie Theater bring Resident Artists to AFIA;
- Base Academy of Music (BAM) provides specialty pricing on piano, violin, percussion, guitar lessons to our students after school and on Saturdays;
- Kennedy Center teaching artist Randy Barron is providing on-going training and support to help us deepen our approach to Arts Integration through movement and dance. He last visited in December to model lessons in classrooms and provide professional development for staff; and
- SuperHero Yoga provides all students with a 30-minute yoga class each week. These yoga classes are an important component of our mindfulness education.
The dedicated staff and students at AFIA continue to shine in our building and out in the community. In 2017 we were recognized with several awards including:
- The National Academy of Advanced Teacher Education at Yale University selected Andrea Davis and Haley Hurst to their elite development program and the Kauffman Foundation provided funding for their attendance;

Ms. Davis and Ms. Haley at NAATE
- Additionally, Haley Hurst was awarded a $5,000 Fund for Teachers grant from the Kauffman Foundation to attend a workshop in Australia and New Zealand to observe and learn from other Inquiry-based school programs;
- Our Principal, Karren Colbert, was selected to the KC PLUS Leadership Program because of her commitment to excellence, instructional expertise, and strong leadership instinct;
- Our Occupational Therapist, Dr. Angela Blackwell was awarded a grant to implement “Empowered Parents, Resilient Parents.” This project included a day of resilience for families of the students in one of our Pre-K and kindergarten classrooms;
- Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City selected AFIA as a finalist for the Cornerstone Award to honor our contribution to the local economy;
- ArtsKC Regional Arts Council selected AFIA as a finalist for the 2018 ArtsKC Educator award for our passion and commitment to the arts in education;
- One of AFIA’s teachers was featured on KCUR’s Up to Date;
- Southtown Council Honored AFIA as a New Businesses & Construction award recipient, recognizing our growth and transformation of your new campus at 7910 Troost Avenue;
- KUMC Occupational Therapy graduate students worked with AFIA staff to form the first AFIA Girls on the Run team. Dr. Blackwell received a grant to help support the GOTR team at AFIA;
- A number of our students were recognized during the 2017 Dreamkeepers Educator and Student Symposium including a 3rd place win for a poetry submission from one of our fifth grade students;
- Our 5th/6th grade basketball team had a great season and they played their final game of the season at the College Basketball Experience;
- 1st place win from an AFIA student in Artpalooza, a summer art festival sponsored by Marlborough Community Coalition; and
- Our sixth-grade class submitted the winning entry for the I am Here KC Healthy Kids photo contest, winning $1000 to to be used for health and wellness purposes at our school. The 6th graders will be competing against the other grade level winners for $2500 in March.
While 2017 was a momentous year for AFIA as we look ahead to 2018, we know we have room to grow. To this end, we have two Literacy Lab tutors working full-time at AFIA. They are implementing reading interventions in grades 1st – 3rd grade. We also have reading and math interventionists working with students in our upper grades. We are continually growing in our ability to integrate the arts throughout the curriculum, as we know that students retain information more deeply when they engage in arts as a part of the core curriculum.
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