By Coach Chay

Can you believe it’s already second semester?! It has been a blast working with your student in the gym. In the past two months students, were very active in Physical Education. Students worked on overhand and underhand throwing skills and were able to use techniques while participating in live games and activities such as tower take down, birthday party, dodgeball, pin down, and much more!

We are currently wrapping up our kicking skills unit, all grade levels learned and/or developed kicking skills which student have mastered the 5 steps to kicking when approaching a ball (Ready position, step, leap, kick, follow through) and have practiced their newly acquired skills. Lower elementary focused lots on controlling the ball in partner practice, kicking relays, and pin knock out. Upper elementary kicked things into gear and played lots of kicking games such as kickball, bucketball, and kick to connect.


This upcoming month’s P.E. lessons are as follows:

Pre-k through 3rd: Scooter skills/games and fun activities

4th-6th: Invasion Skills, game strategies and competitions

Academy for Integrated Arts is a PK – 6th arts integrated, public charter school. We believe children more deeply when they engage in the arts as part of the core curriculum. To learn more about our school, please visit: