At AFIA, we use the project approach as way to facilitate deep learning in the classroom. An important component of project work is providing opportunities for students to learn from field experts (Helm & Katz, 2016).

One of the amazing things about young students is that they are always curious about the world around them. Questions often come up that aren’t directly related to a lesson plan and our teachers see this as an opportunity to help students better understand the world that we live in by having students prepare interviews for field experts.

Prior to Covid-19 and distance learning, we were able to welcome field experts into our building for in-person interviews. Since March of 2020, even our youngest students have learned to utilize video meeting software. We will share examples of recent interviews in the coming weeks.  Until then, enjoy a few examples from early 2020.

“Do Dogs Have Jobs?”  Interview with Owner Dana and Local Therapy Dog Nealy

In January of 2020, students in Ms. Bailey and Ms. Krissy’s class were very interested in dogs.  Their classroom was full of books on the topic.  Big shoutout to the Kansas City Public Library and their educator support services! In their classroom, you would have seen drawings of dogs and occasionally children acting like dogs in the dramatic play area.

Out of curiosity, one student asked Ms. Bailey, “Do dogs have jobs?” and together, the class learned that dogs do have jobs! They learned about the amazing work that service animals do through an interview with Dana. Dana is the owner of Nealy, a local therapy dog here in Kansas City.

Before Nealy’s visit, students crafted questions they would ask-some dictated their questions to a teacher and others wrote and illustrated their questions about what Neely does.

Ms. Bailey helped the students practice asking their questions in preparation for Nealy’s visit and their interview.

Excellent preparation paid off. Each of the students asked Dana, Nealy’s owner, questions about the work of therapy dogs like Nealy.

Not only did the students learn new information, they experienced the process of inquiry as they crafted questions and searched for answers. Nealy also left them with lots of smiles.

“What Kinds of Sneakers are There?” Interview with Shoe Enthusiast Kevin Joseph

Early last Spring, Ms. Maddie’s class reached out to a local shoe enthusiast to get answers to their questions.  This second grade class created an extensive list of questions about shoes.  Many of the questions focused on design and sneaker culture.

Kevin Joseph refurbishes shoes as a hobby.  He searches thrift stores and the internet for vintage Air Jordans.  He has created a process for cleaning and reconditioning the shoes before he paints them with his custom designs.  Our students loved interviewing him about this process.

He brought along some of the cleaners, paints, and brushes he uses.  Our young designers learned so much by talking with Kevin about his process.  He was shocked when one of our students said, “It sounds like you plan a lot.  Do you use your prefrontal cortex during this process?”  He responded by reiterated the importance of careful planning during his refurbishing process.

Both Dana and Kevin left the teachers and children eager to welcome more local friends into our building to share about their interests.  Luckily, we have been able to continue interviewing field experts virtually.  We will share about our recent interviews in the coming weeks.  Please consider completing this form and letting us know you are willing to let one of our classes interview you.

“When you learn, teach, when you get, give.    –Maya Angelou

Academy for Integrated Arts is a PK – 6th arts integrated, public charter school. We believe children more deeply when they engage in the arts as part of the core curriculum. To learn more about our school, please visit: