Join us in helping your children reach their full potential. Here is information you will need to know.
Student handbook
Familiarize yourself with AFIA’s policies and procedures by downloading the Family Handbook.The ELL, Migrant and Homeless policies can be found in the handbook.
Family resources
We are here to help you and your family in any way possible. If you have any questions or concerns, call us at 816-444-1720.
For resources in your area United Way help line is available 24 hours a day by dialing 211.
If you need food assistance, Harvesters Community Food Network can help you find a food pantry in your area. Call 816-929-3000 or visit www.harvesters.org.
Student health and welfare
Academy for Integrated Arts is committed to the optimal development of every student. The school believes that for students to have the opportunity to achieve personal, academic, developmental, and social success, we need to create positive, safe, and health-promoting learning environments at every level, in every setting, throughout the school year.
Jenessa Daniels is AFIA’s social worker. She also serves as our McKinney Vento Homeless/Students in Transition Coordinator as well as our Foster Care Point of Contact. Please reach out to Jenessa by visiting AFIA, calling the school at 816-444-1720 or via email at jenessa.daniels@afiakc.org.
Family involvement
Academy for Integrated Arts is committed to partnering with families to meet the needs of the whole child and to ensure that families feel heard and valued in the school community. There is a family advisory committee that meets regularly. If you are interested in participating in that, please reach out to AFIA’s assistant principal, Asha Moore by calling the school at 816-444-1720 or via email at asha.moore@afiakc.org.
AFIA participates in Title I.A programming. Title I.A is a federal program whose purpose is to provide all children the opportunity to receive a fair, equitable and high-quality education and to close achievement gaps. AFIA’s Title I plan can be found here.
Student dress code policy
AFIA seeks to encourage students to be unique individuals. We also expect students to dress ready to learn. Our goal is to allow students to be who they are while maintaining a sense of security for students. All students who attend AFIA are also expected to respect the school community by dressing appropriately for an elementary school environment. Clothing should not be a distraction to the learning environment.
Following are guidelines from the AFIA Student Handbook for choosing appropriate attire for school:
- All shirts and tops must have sleeves and not reveal any areas of the waist or upper body
- All bottoms must cover all parts of the underwear. Shorts, skirts and dresses should mid-thigh length
- Closed toe shoes must be worn for safety. Students may not wear flip-flops, slides, sandals, crocs or house shoes
- Clothing must not have any references to violence, discriminatory language or inappropriate sayings or gestures
- Students should always dress appropriately for the weather conditions. During winter months, the school strives to incorporate outdoor play to the greatest extent possible, thus it is important that students have appropriate outdoor wear including jackets, gloves and hats as appropriate during the winter months. Outdoor wear (coats, gloves, etc) should only be worn during outdoor activities such as recess, arrival and dismissal.
- No excessive jewelry or accessories
We encourage students to show expression through jewelry and accessories. In the event these items become a distraction to learning, students will be asked to remove these items. The temperature in AFIA’s building varies, students are allowed to wear light jackets and sweaters. Heavy coats and blankets are not allowed in the classroom.
Should a student need a change of clothing during the school day, the school will contact a parent or caregiver.

Q: What are the requirements for enrollment in Academy for Integrated Arts?
A: Students must live within the Kansas City, Missouri School District.
Q: Do students pay tuition?
A: No, AFIA is a charter public school. Since the school is a public school, there is no tuition for students.
Q: Is transportation available?
A: Yes. School buses pick up students living further than one mile from school. School buses make scheduled stops.
Q: Is there a dress code?
A: Yes. All shirts and tops must have sleeves and not reveal any areas of the waist or upper body. All bottoms must cover all parts of the underwear and shorts, skirts and dresses must be an appropriate length. Closed toe shoes must be worn for safety. Students may not wear flip-flops, slides, sandals, or house shoes. Clothing must not have any references to violence. Students should always dress appropriately for the weather conditions, including jackets, gloves and hats as appropriate. No excessive jewelry or accessories
Q: What is the curriculum?
A: AFIA offers a rigorous curriculum that is artistically approached and reflects the Missouri Learning Standards. We use the arts to enhance each facet of learning.
Additional information
To learn about the Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program (MOCAP), please click here.
Helpful documents
■Academy for Integrated Arts complies with the Get the Lead Out of School Drinking Water Act (160.077, RSMo). AFIA’s test results & Get the Lead Out FAQ are below.
Get the Lead Out Test Results Get the Lead Out FAQ