Hello AFIA students (and families)!

This is Ms. Gwen, AFIA’s LACES teacher. I miss each of you very much!  However, I am excited we get to stay in touch while we are apart and continue our learning together.

Below, you will find pictures of our last class before Spring Break.

Our classroom message.

You practiced illustrating like Charlie Mylie in art class with Ms. Dorothy.

We discussed the author’s message.

Students made artifacts to share their learning

We shared our artifacts with each other.

For the next several weeks, we will be staying home to “flatten the curve”.  We all want the coronavirus to spread as slowly as possible so lots and lots of people don’t need to go to the doctor at the same time.  We also want to give scientists more time to develop effective treatments.

In the meantime, we are going to learn together from home.  Coronavirus can’t keep our guest author away!  Click below to hear Charlie Mylie read Something for You to us.


Staying together by staying at home. –Charlie Mylie

Like Charlie Mylie, I created a visual representation of my thoughts about coronavirus.

I decided to make a sign in my front window sending love to my neighbors as we all stay home, but apart.  I sketched an idea and then found some empty boxes, a few art supplies, and two strands of holiday lights.

My daughter, Alyda, helped me.  You could make something with someone you live with or alone.

I hope our neighbors feel the love we are sending them as we all stay apart.

Teachers need brain breaks too!  I took a walk yesterday and passed my neighbor Anthony and his children playing baseball in their yard.  I took a picture (from 20 feet away) of the window display they created.

I would love to see the creative ways our AFIA community can share our thoughts about our current situation through artifacts.  Use your strong imagination and think broadly about something you could make with supplies you have at home.

Please take a picture of your creation and email it to me.  I will add pictures to our upcoming newsletter.  My email address is:  gwen.vanasselt@afiakc.org

If an adult at your house has an Twitter, Instagram or Facebook account and an adult at your home gives you permission, please also share your creation publicly.  Together, we can offer a lot of encouragement and entertainment to others in our larger community.  Please tag AFIA and use the hashtags below.





If you use Instagram (@charliemylie) or Twitter (@PopUpCharlie) be sure to tag Charlie Mylie too.

We want to send an extra special THANK YOU to Charlie Mylie for sharing his book with us virtually during remote learning. We can’t wait to host Charlie Mylie at AFIA when we return to normal school.