Below are a few time sensitive announcements and reminders: 

School is canceled for Thursday, February 3rd due to the road conditions. There will be no school or virtual learning on Thursday, February 3rd. Enjoy the snow day and stay safe. As a reminder, Friday is a professional development day, so there is no school on Friday. See you Monday!

No school this Friday (Professional Development Day)

As a reminder, there is no school on Friday, February 4th as this is a professional development day for our staff. Research shows that teacher quality is the single most powerful impact on student achievement. Our professional development days provide time for our staff to review student data to collaborate about the best ways to accelerate student progress, as well as engage in shared learning in order to reflect and grow as a professional.

Winter Weather

With snow in the forecast, we want to remind you that if we do need to cancel school due to inclement weather, we will send out a text/email blast, notify the local news stations and post this information on our Facebook page. If you are not getting text/email blasts from the school, please call the front office at 816.444.1720 or email to set this up. 

In the event that we cannot have classes, we will announce whether it is a snow day or an Alternative Method of Instruction “AMI” day. We have a limited number of traditional “snow days” that we can use without extending the school year. On snow days, students do not participate in any type of remote learning. On AMI days, students are provided with either work packets or computers (for remote classes).

School is cancelled for Wednesday, February 2, 2022 and Thursday, February 3, 2022. We do encourage all students to read for at least 30 minutes everyday–snow, rain or shine! Please check your child’s backpack as teachers were sending home books with students today.

Sunflower House

In our last family update we shared information about upcoming personal safety presentations from Sunflower House. Additionally a letter was sent home last week. Presentations were scheduled to begin today, but due to circumstances beyond our control, we must reschedule these presentations. We know how important it is to educate students about safe and healthy body boundaries and we’ll notify you once we’ve finalized new dates. You can also find more information on the Sunflower House website.